Thursday, October 10, 2013

Molly's Pilgrim (Barbara Cohen)

Recently Peirce and I went to a play called The New Canadian Kid at Storybook Theatre. It is a story about a family that moves to Canada. The twist is only the new kid speaks English so the audience understands. Everyone else speaks a form of jibberish that I sometimes thought I understood, but mostly didn't. It was a great way to convey what it is like to be new to a country. It has really given me pause to think since I have a number of children in my class who are new to Canada.

This story follows the same idea. Molly is a Jewish Russian who has immigrated. One of my students read it and wrote about it in her Response Journal. Since my ancestors were Jewish Russians, it caught my eye. It is a quick read (30 pages?). Perfect for kids just starting to get into chapter books.

In the story, Molly's class is asked to make some dolls for their Thanksgiving diorama. Molly's mom makes a doll, and the kids make fun of her because it doesn't look like the traditional pilgrim. They learn that pilgrims aren't just people who lived long ago. Good little story!

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