Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Hurry Up Nicholas (Gilles Tibo)

This  book is along the same lines as The Busy Life of Ernestine Buckmeister. It's only appropriate that this is a topic that gets written about. From the discussions in our class it sounds like Nicholas and Ernestine aren't the only ones who struggle with an over-scheduled life!

We had a good laugh at Nicholas and at the surprise ending in this book.

Nicholas is an over-scheduled child. What happens when he is too exhausted to go on? Every day Nicholas has to attend his after-school activities. Sculpture, violin lessons, swimming, archery there are several every afternoon, and even more on weekends! Back and forth, and to and fro, Nicholas can't take much more of this running around, but what is he to do? His parents come up with a novel solution they just bring the teachers to him! 

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